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Where Read X-Men/Fantastic Four (2020) #1 (of 4) PDF by STM

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Details of Book
Name : X-Men/Fantastic Four (2020) #1 (of 4)
Number of pages : 35 pages


KRAKOA. Every mutant on Earth lives there … except for one. But now it’s time for FRANKLIN RICHARDS to come home. It’s the X-MEN VS. the FANTASTIC FOUR and nothing will ever be the same.

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Details of Book
Name : Before Watchmen: Rorschach #3
Number of pages : 39 pages


Rorschach continues his relentless pursuit of the criminal boss “Rawhead” even as “The Bard” continues to terrorize the women of Manhattan. Is there a connection between the two and can Rorschach stay alive long enough to figure it out?

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Details of Book
Name : Star Wars: Darth Vader - Dark Lord of the Sith Vol. 2
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Number of pages : 144 pages


Darth Vader's imperious rise continues! As the Empire's grip on the galaxy tightens, the stirrings of a rebellion begin in the Mon Cala system. The fearsome Darth Vader knows that order must be maintained at all costs - but bringing Mon Cala to heel means finding the surviving Jedi that foment this unrest. As Vader, Tarkin and their Inquisitors hunt their targets, the seas will weep! Meanwhile, Vader discovers a theft - and when the thief faces the consequences, Emperor Palpatine rewards his disciple with a chilling gift! Seeking the path to destiny, Vader returns to the place of his greatest defeat. Darkness rises above Mustafar as Vader's brutal design begins to take shape - but will the planet's inhabitants stand for this desecration? And what can they do against the Dark Lord? COLLECTING: DARTH VADER (2017) 13-25, DARTH VADER (2016) ANNUAL 2

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Details of Book
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Review 'Takeda’s visuals recall realistic, gritty manga such as Lone Wolf and Cub, with magic and monsters to rival those of Hayao Miyazaki’s films.” ―Publishers Weekly'Liu's accomplishment is impressive. She's created characters who feel larger than life, but whose motivations and values are almost always obscure.” ―NPR“ ambitious as George R.R. Martin or J.R.R. Tolkien...” ―The Los Angeles Review of Books'Intricate and detailed, with a definite manga influence, Takeda's artwork creates a lush and dangerous world for Liu's equally dangerous characters. The work is infused with feminist themes; almost all of the characters are strong―and deadly―women.” ―School Library Journal“Filled to the brim with awesome.” ―Kirkus Reviews “World-building on a scale rare in mainstream comics.” ―The Hollywood Reporter Read more

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Details of Book
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In a bid to move forward, Kyutaro and Fumi share a sweet secret! Later, when they go to The Inside with Sendai to cleanse Ms. Hayashi’s Mind Vault, will they succeed in saving her? And what is Bug Handler Ataru plotting in order to turn Fumi into the Black Queen?

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Have you ever wondered how many trees it takes to print your 300-odd pages of paperback bestseller?

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Details of Book
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Ever since a cosmic phone call brought the literal young goddess Belldandy into college student Keiichi's residence, his personal life has been turned upside down, sideways, and sometimes even into strange dimensions!Get a job! That's what you hope a college education can do for you — but when Keiichi applies to put his knowledge to work in a custom-bike shop, he finds it's not going to be as easy to graduate college as he thought! And it could be that no one's leaving Nekomi Tech ever again, when it falls under the mind-bending influence of two of the most sinister forces known to man — Mara's magic and Sayoko's ego!

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Mizutani is a self-absorbed overachiever, concerned only with maintaining the highest grades in school. Haru is an impulsive short tempered brute, who scares everyone with his explosive bursts of violence. Haru gets suspended on the first day of school when he encounters some bullies harassing a student and dispatches the bullies with great bloody violence. Mizutani is tasked with delivering school materials to Haru who interprets this as an act of friendship and latches on to Mizutani, much to her dismay. And so begins a strange and potentially combustible relationship!

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